An Apple A Day (Academic Lust Book 1) by B.J. Malone


An Apple A Day (Academic Lust Book 1) by B.J. Malone

Publisher: Hydra Productions

What do you do when you so badly want to help someone but to do so may be crossing a line?

Margaret Adamson is a conservative and intelligent teacher at Oak Valley High School who has become bitter not only with the way money seems to trump fairness in academics, but also with her luck with men such as her ex husband. She is a take no prisoners straight shooter who always does what is right.

Enter student Shawn Allen, a cocky jock that gets away with everything due to his rich father with a loud mouth and uncaring view on academia. Oliver is failing his classes, and Margaret is determined to make him realize the seriousness of this and face the proper consequences.

Once alone and without his father or other students, Oliver is something different altogehter; polite and defiant of his father. Not only does this take Margaret by surprise, but so does the offer she ends up making him. Finding a way to use their burgeoning attraction for each other to make Oliver care about his classes may be just the ticket to saving his academic career. But do the ends justify the means?


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