2019 will be the year of great things for me

So with 2 series completed and ready for publishing in 2019 my goal is to have by the end of the year 12 books published with another 6 at least waiting to be published for 2020.
Just in I am also looking at joining several anthologies over the next couple of years, more to come
I started the year off great, i decided that what ever i did New Years Day would reflect what I did for the whole year so i started on the right foot. I exercised, drank plenty of plain water to flush the system and i began working on my next stand alone novel titled
Angel of Earth

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A teaser as to what this story is about
Father Francis older priest angel meets when ten and he takes her under his wing teaching her gods message after earth goddess appeared to him in a dream the night before telling him of the birth of an angel to a mother than in the churches eyes was a sinner, a mother who cared more about her repeat list of boyfriends, where she could get her next score and selling herself to the highest bidder like Mary Magdalene in the bible. His mission would be to provide a loving family environment for the angel to go to and grow when her mother could not provide. Earth goddess said that the angels father would appear in her life in name sake when she would be a teen and develop her wings……………
I have a Pinterest goal with visual aids
The Legend of Valentine.png
Another thing I have done so far this yea is set up my email correctly and offer all new subscribers exclusive content a shot story on the legend of Valentine
to sign up here is the link
so that is about it, catch you all around the corner store

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